Monday, March 30, 2009

"Know Can Do" - Blanchard, Meyer, Ruhe

I picked up this book about 7:00 pm last night, after a tiring day of running and taxiing the family.   My dh had it sitting beside the couch and I picked it up, read the back, started it and finished it this morning.  What a grand little book.

I found myself really surprised at how many of his ideas I had read about in regards to home education and education in general.   One of the premises is that people learn tons of new information but rarely does it affect their actions.  What they learn sounds good and their intentions are noble, but rarely does it translate into a behavior change.  Why?

Through a senario of an author talking to an entrepeneur, we discover some interesting truths.  He proposes that we should learn Less More instead of More Less.  Wow, that sounds like Latin Centered Curriculum and The Well-Educated Mind.  Seems we learn too much information and we don't have time to study what we learn.  By studying less things in depth, we can change our lives for the better and actually relate to the information in regards to our behavior.

Though not a home education book in itself, I loved what it said to me as an educational facilitator.  I was challenged and highly recommend you read this little jewel.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

"The Host" by Stephenie Meyer

Very different from the Twilight series, "The Host" was good but a little slow in places.  I felt rather exhausted with the character by the time I was through, but the book was good.  Not my favorite, but good.

Saturday, March 07, 2009


Ok, so I haven't posted about what I am reading.  Well, that is only because I have been rereading a couple of "foundational" books for our home education.  I reread most of The Well-Trained Mind and The Well Educated Mind by Susan Wise Bauer.

As I enter the educational facilitation of a high schooler, I am rereading these to remind myself of the foundation on our method and to read the high school sections.  

And, I am reading "The Host" although I am finding it a slow read.

Join our Crew on this Great Adventure called the Christian Life!!

Share our lives through thoughts and pictures, tales and tails along the way. We are a home educating family using an Eclectic, Classical style based upon The Well-Trained Mind.