Monday, July 30, 2007

Meet Obi-One-Kanobi

Our one little egg that hatched is the cutest thing ever!! His head is almost bigger than his whole body. He's a quick little booger, catching crickets like crazy.

You can see his parents, Boga and Padme below. Padme has already laid 28 more that are in the incubator I built. I think the others failed to hatch because of lack of air circulation which dried out the eggs. This time, I expect success.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


We recently went with our church on a family mission trip to the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Heart Butte, Montana. What a beautiful place and beautiful people. There were 42 of us all together including 18 children, 5 youth and 19 adults.

We spent the time picking up trash, painting, cleaning and teaching VBS. We left feeling our work had only just begun.

Join our Crew on this Great Adventure called the Christian Life!!

Share our lives through thoughts and pictures, tales and tails along the way. We are a home educating family using an Eclectic, Classical style based upon The Well-Trained Mind.