Monday, September 28, 2009

Spellquizzer - Great program!!

This has been my struggle: We study spelling, take tests, the kids do moderate then proceed to forget everything. This just drives me crazy!!

I just found a wonderful new online program called Spellquizzer. We work with Spelling Workout but the kids just don't seem to retain what they learn. Now, one just puts the words into the program and records their voice saying the word and using it in a sentence. Easy right. Then the student reviews the list and the computer tells him if he got them right or wrong.

We used it today and I set up the first 10 lessons in about 15 minutes. I thought this was pretty short considering a learning curve. The kids couldn't wait to "Do Spelling on the Computer."

This is a great find and I recommend it to you. It is moderately priced as well.

Check it out: Spellquizzer

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing about SpellQuizzer, I'll check it out. I've used as well. Our little ones seem to like it a lot.

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