This is a great book, one not to be missed.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
"Innocent Traitor" by Alison Weir
What a wonderful book!! In her first novel, Weir portrays a truly fascinating Lady Jane Grey, born of ambitious parents and made to suffer the injustices of the era. Her character portrayals are vivid and the book left me in awe of the historical times.
This is a great book, one not to be missed.
This is a great book, one not to be missed.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Johnsen Joys for 2009!
In honor of the environment, we have gone digital this year!! In reality, we just didn't have enough hours to get everything done, but don't tell Al Gore that, OK? We wanted to share some of the highlights for our family in 2009 because we love hearing what has been going on with your family as well.
January and February found us playing lots of basketball with our homeschool team. All three of the boys were on the middle school team, which made it very convenient. Cody was a big man down under, since he is now 6 ft. 1 in. Trey and Wyatt played as guards. We had a very exciting game in the tournament where Trey stole the ball in the final 3 seconds, passed it backwards and one of our other players did a lay up to win the game. We finished third overall!!
Spring for the Johnsen's involves lots of time at East Lincoln Optimist's fields, and this year proved to be no different. Wyatt and Trey played on the 11 & 12 year old team this year, even though Trey was only 10. We chose to move him up for a little simplicity and he had no problem keeping up. They ended up playing All-Stars until mid-July, so that turned into a long season. They had a great time and I worked on my reading and baseball tan!
Sheyanne for the first time decided to play Softball. She went from being absolutely terrible to pitching, playing first base and batting third!! The boys told her she had to be good since they had a reputation to uphold at East Lincoln Optimist. No pressure or anything. LOL. She played spring, summer and fall, without a break. Cody asked her if she was planning on playing in Cuba over the winter. She made some great friends and enjoyed it very much. Her team ended up winning the fall tournament and they only lost one game by one run the whole fall season.
Cody decided his sport is basketball so he didn't play baseball this year. That was kind of sad since it was the first year he hasn't played but he was the official scorekeeper for Wyatt & Trey's team. I think I cared more about him not playing than he did. Guess he is just growing up!
July found us going to 4-H Electric Congress. Wyatt & Cody both won their way and it was in Charlotte this year. Cody was asked to give the invocation at the formal dinner and he wore a suit. He was looking very handsome, not that I am biased or anything. Turns out, he was up there because he won 1st place for the Duke Energy Territorial Award which included a plasma TV. He also won 1st place for the whole state of NC in Electricity. He was extremely honored and has a great 4-H leader, Mr. Tyson who helps him out tremendously. We also had three compete at State 4-H in Presentations and they all won a Silver in their age categories. July was a busy month for us in 4-H!
We snuck in a beach trip in August, which was fantastic. It was very restful and rejuvenating. It's always fun to get away to Hilton Head!
The fall found the boys in basketball practice, with our games beginning in November. Sheyanne played softball as I mentioned above.
We continue to home educate and that is great!! That's all we have ever known so it is our "normal." Cody is a 9th grader this year so his workload has really increased. However, he seems to enjoy the challenge. Wyatt is in the 8th grade, Trey in the 6th and Sheyanne in the 4th. I can't believe how grown they are all becoming.
The church has continued to grow beyond our dreams. We now have four services since we added a Contemporary service this fall. Our attendance average is about 670 per Sunday so that keeps Jeff extremely busy. Our life seems to rotate around church and sport activities, but I guess that is just the age.
In November, Cody turned 15 and got his permit. He is a very good driver and has been driving us around some. That is definitely a new experience and I've noticed my prayer life has increased significantly!
God has truly been good to us this year and we are excited to celebrate the birth of His Son, Jesus on Christmas Day!! May you and your family have a blessed Christmas!
January and February found us playing lots of basketball with our homeschool team. All three of the boys were on the middle school team, which made it very convenient. Cody was a big man down under, since he is now 6 ft. 1 in. Trey and Wyatt played as guards. We had a very exciting game in the tournament where Trey stole the ball in the final 3 seconds, passed it backwards and one of our other players did a lay up to win the game. We finished third overall!!
Spring for the Johnsen's involves lots of time at East Lincoln Optimist's fields, and this year proved to be no different. Wyatt and Trey played on the 11 & 12 year old team this year, even though Trey was only 10. We chose to move him up for a little simplicity and he had no problem keeping up. They ended up playing All-Stars until mid-July, so that turned into a long season. They had a great time and I worked on my reading and baseball tan!
Sheyanne for the first time decided to play Softball. She went from being absolutely terrible to pitching, playing first base and batting third!! The boys told her she had to be good since they had a reputation to uphold at East Lincoln Optimist. No pressure or anything. LOL. She played spring, summer and fall, without a break. Cody asked her if she was planning on playing in Cuba over the winter. She made some great friends and enjoyed it very much. Her team ended up winning the fall tournament and they only lost one game by one run the whole fall season.
Cody decided his sport is basketball so he didn't play baseball this year. That was kind of sad since it was the first year he hasn't played but he was the official scorekeeper for Wyatt & Trey's team. I think I cared more about him not playing than he did. Guess he is just growing up!
July found us going to 4-H Electric Congress. Wyatt & Cody both won their way and it was in Charlotte this year. Cody was asked to give the invocation at the formal dinner and he wore a suit. He was looking very handsome, not that I am biased or anything. Turns out, he was up there because he won 1st place for the Duke Energy Territorial Award which included a plasma TV. He also won 1st place for the whole state of NC in Electricity. He was extremely honored and has a great 4-H leader, Mr. Tyson who helps him out tremendously. We also had three compete at State 4-H in Presentations and they all won a Silver in their age categories. July was a busy month for us in 4-H!
We snuck in a beach trip in August, which was fantastic. It was very restful and rejuvenating. It's always fun to get away to Hilton Head!
The fall found the boys in basketball practice, with our games beginning in November. Sheyanne played softball as I mentioned above.
We continue to home educate and that is great!! That's all we have ever known so it is our "normal." Cody is a 9th grader this year so his workload has really increased. However, he seems to enjoy the challenge. Wyatt is in the 8th grade, Trey in the 6th and Sheyanne in the 4th. I can't believe how grown they are all becoming.
The church has continued to grow beyond our dreams. We now have four services since we added a Contemporary service this fall. Our attendance average is about 670 per Sunday so that keeps Jeff extremely busy. Our life seems to rotate around church and sport activities, but I guess that is just the age.
In November, Cody turned 15 and got his permit. He is a very good driver and has been driving us around some. That is definitely a new experience and I've noticed my prayer life has increased significantly!
God has truly been good to us this year and we are excited to celebrate the birth of His Son, Jesus on Christmas Day!! May you and your family have a blessed Christmas!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Some Days You Just Need A Movie
So, I just wasn't too motivated. I admit it. The kiddos did all their independent school work but I had some things to take care, a few errands to run and I just couldn't get into the teaching mode. What was my remedy you ask? Well, we piled in the den and watched "Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid."
While we were watching it, I asked Cody what subject we could consider this movie. He says, "Since it was filmed in 1969, how about Ancient History." Just gotta laugh.
While we were watching it, I asked Cody what subject we could consider this movie. He says, "Since it was filmed in 1969, how about Ancient History." Just gotta laugh.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Spellquizzer - Great program!!
This has been my struggle: We study spelling, take tests, the kids do moderate then proceed to forget everything. This just drives me crazy!!
I just found a wonderful new online program called Spellquizzer. We work with Spelling Workout but the kids just don't seem to retain what they learn. Now, one just puts the words into the program and records their voice saying the word and using it in a sentence. Easy right. Then the student reviews the list and the computer tells him if he got them right or wrong.
We used it today and I set up the first 10 lessons in about 15 minutes. I thought this was pretty short considering a learning curve. The kids couldn't wait to "Do Spelling on the Computer."
This is a great find and I recommend it to you. It is moderately priced as well.
Check it out: Spellquizzer
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Back to School Time!!
Today was such a breeze compared to yesterday. We hit the ground running because everyone knew what to do for what lesson since we reviewed it all yesterday. What a joy! To say I was concerned we wouldn't finish everyday until about 8 pm was an understatement after yesterday but today is a brand new day.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
"The Poisonwood Bible"
I couldn't put it down!! I bought this book a few years back somewhere. I'm sure it was at a yard sale, library book sale, Goodwill, etc. You know I can't miss a good book for a buck. Anyway, I put it away and didn't read it until a week ago. I saw it mentioned as a book not to miss. Well, that was an understatement.
Once I got into the book, I was captured. Her portrayal of the Price family and their individualism was a masterpiece. I felt I knew each and every one of the family and walked the jungles with them. What truer words have been written than in this book? Can someone really go and experience anything without being changed? And, does it change us all equally?
A masterpiece of literature. Truly sensational.
Once I got into the book, I was captured. Her portrayal of the Price family and their individualism was a masterpiece. I felt I knew each and every one of the family and walked the jungles with them. What truer words have been written than in this book? Can someone really go and experience anything without being changed? And, does it change us all equally?
A masterpiece of literature. Truly sensational.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
"Weapons of Mass Instruction" by John Taylor Gatto
Do you even know where our current system of public education originates? Actually, our current system originates from a Prussian background. Know where that is? Actually, the system originated from a small town in the middle of Germany. What, our American system comes from German roots? The same system that enabled Hitler to rise to power by inoculating the children from a young age to believe in his ideas?
Actually, yes. I found it very shocking and disconcerting to find that they system comes from such a non-adventurous background and am no longer struggling to understand why I felt my own schooling lacked so much education. I received education once I left school. I have received the greatest education while home educating my own four children. Why? I am free to delve into the things I want to know more about in my own way and in my own time.
America was founded on freedom. Are we truly free anymore? Did you know that America has 25% of the world's prison population, 90% of which are for non-violent crimes? Freedom, not sure about that. It seems America was much more free when I was growing up than it is even now.
As home educators, my children have escaped many of the dangers laid out in this book. However, if you live in America, you should understand the system. Look how much of our money goes to fund this animal each year. An educated person is a dangerous person. I urge you to read this book and form your own opinions. He speaks from the heart, with the facts to back up his statements.
Actually, yes. I found it very shocking and disconcerting to find that they system comes from such a non-adventurous background and am no longer struggling to understand why I felt my own schooling lacked so much education. I received education once I left school. I have received the greatest education while home educating my own four children. Why? I am free to delve into the things I want to know more about in my own way and in my own time.
America was founded on freedom. Are we truly free anymore? Did you know that America has 25% of the world's prison population, 90% of which are for non-violent crimes? Freedom, not sure about that. It seems America was much more free when I was growing up than it is even now.
As home educators, my children have escaped many of the dangers laid out in this book. However, if you live in America, you should understand the system. Look how much of our money goes to fund this animal each year. An educated person is a dangerous person. I urge you to read this book and form your own opinions. He speaks from the heart, with the facts to back up his statements.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Premio Dardos Award

"The Prémio Dardos is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing affection and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web."
Available for participants in the 52 Books in 52 Weeks Challenge!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
"Know Can Do" - Blanchard, Meyer, Ruhe

I picked up this book about 7:00 pm last night, after a tiring day of running and taxiing the family. My dh had it sitting beside the couch and I picked it up, read the back, started it and finished it this morning. What a grand little book.
I found myself really surprised at how many of his ideas I had read about in regards to home education and education in general. One of the premises is that people learn tons of new information but rarely does it affect their actions. What they learn sounds good and their intentions are noble, but rarely does it translate into a behavior change. Why?
Through a senario of an author talking to an entrepeneur, we discover some interesting truths. He proposes that we should learn Less More instead of More Less. Wow, that sounds like Latin Centered Curriculum and The Well-Educated Mind. Seems we learn too much information and we don't have time to study what we learn. By studying less things in depth, we can change our lives for the better and actually relate to the information in regards to our behavior.
Though not a home education book in itself, I loved what it said to me as an educational facilitator. I was challenged and highly recommend you read this little jewel.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
"The Host" by Stephenie Meyer
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Ok, so I haven't posted about what I am reading. Well, that is only because I have been rereading a couple of "foundational" books for our home education. I reread most of The Well-Trained Mind and The Well Educated Mind by Susan Wise Bauer.
As I enter the educational facilitation of a high schooler, I am rereading these to remind myself of the foundation on our method and to read the high school sections.
And, I am reading "The Host" although I am finding it a slow read.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
"Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury
A classic definitely worth revisiting, "Fahrenheit 451" was frightening. Written over 50 years ago, Bradbury's predictions of the lack of knowledge society gets from books and the way we will go toward feel-good theology were so clear that I was amazed by his predictions. Will we get to this place soon or are we already there? I couldn't help but thinking how wise he was in his predictions of society or are we simply that predictable?
This is one you don't want to miss.
Friday, February 06, 2009
"The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" by John Boyne
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Yes, I finished!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I aaammm ggoooiinngg tooo fiinniisshh tthhiiss boook.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
"The Book Thief" - Markus Zusak

What a masterpiece!! I just couldn't put this book down. It was beautifully written and left me wanting to read "just a little bit more" each time I had to quit reading.
Set in Germany during WWII, the reader feels the effects of Hitler's regime through the eyes of a small girl. She is forced to live with foster parents and lives the war face to face. Told from the voice of death itself, the story is a masterful work. A must read!!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
"The Secret Life of Bees" - Sue Monk Kidd
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
"Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte
While I read this as a Senior in high school, I truly enjoyed reading it without it being an assignment. That said, I couldn't get over the depth of each character and the ability to harness their pain indefinitely. How the human character can be so scarred left me feeling rather sad.
A must read, I enjoyed the book tremendously. I am looking forward to reading the other Bronte sister's books this year.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Week 1-Book Reviews
Well, I'm ahead of schedule and finished "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn" this week. "Eclipse" was probably my favorite of the four books in the saga. I absolutely loved her character development and finished feeling kinda sad that it was over.
Though pretty "cheesy" in their story line, I absolutely fell victim to her spell and couldn't put them down. A must read for those who would love to be 18 forever.
This week I am reading "Wuthering Heights" by Bronte. I read this as a senior in high school but had to get a larger print edition at the library. I want to reread this because Bella reads it in the "Twilight" saga and it piqued my interest. So far, I am not disappointed!
Thursday, January 01, 2009
52 Books in 52 Weeks
As an avid reader, I set a goal of reading 60 books last year. I made it!! So, for 2009 I am joining the 52 books in 52 weeks challenge going on at the Well-Trained Mind Message Boards.
Here are the rules:
- Each Friday I will post the book I plan on reading for the week.
- By the next Friday I will write a short review of the book and post my next week's pick.
A quick review of the rules as posted on the message boards:
- Read an average of a book a week - 52 books in 52 weeks
- Re-reading a book counts--as long as you first read it before 2009
- School related books don't count (unless you want them to)
- You can start reading on 1-1-09 at 00:00:01AM
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Join our Crew on this Great Adventure called the Christian Life!!
Share our lives through thoughts and pictures, tales and tails along the way. We are a home educating family using an Eclectic, Classical style based upon The Well-Trained Mind.