Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Why I know God has a sense of humor!

I recently read a book called "Discover Your Child's Learning Style" by Willis & Hodson. As we just started our homeschooling year back after a summer break, I thought this would be a great book to teach me how to do a better job at coaching my children through the learning process. After giving all my children, my husband and myself the evaluation, I realized God certainly has a sense of humor.
I found out I am the only one in my family with the disposition for organization. Now I know why it doesn't seem to bother my children when the whole house is a wreck, they can't find anything, or their rooms look like everything is out of place. However, I did find out that they really like to work together and perform. So, my new plan is to make clean-up days a group event and turn the music loud enough for them to "perform" while cleaning. (ha-ha)
Seriously, I have found God continues to call me to do things that require faith. That is a measure of my "calling" to a task, I realize without my faith in the Lord it would be impossible. Life becomes a chance to praise Him, praising Him with the mundane daily tasks. It is in those moments that I feel Him closest, urging me on, asking me to take just one more step in faith. I can almost hear his voice cheering me on, especially when others won't notice. For it is in the everyday that I see His face most clearly, in the faces of my children looking to me to show them the path. When I see how different we are, I realize only God can make the different shine like a beautiful rainbow.

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