Actually, yes. I found it very shocking and disconcerting to find that they system comes from such a non-adventurous background and am no longer struggling to understand why I felt my own schooling lacked so much education. I received education once I left school. I have received the greatest education while home educating my own four children. Why? I am free to delve into the things I want to know more about in my own way and in my own time.
America was founded on freedom. Are we truly free anymore? Did you know that America has 25% of the world's prison population, 90% of which are for non-violent crimes? Freedom, not sure about that. It seems America was much more free when I was growing up than it is even now.
As home educators, my children have escaped many of the dangers laid out in this book. However, if you live in America, you should understand the system. Look how much of our money goes to fund this animal each year. An educated person is a dangerous person. I urge you to read this book and form your own opinions. He speaks from the heart, with the facts to back up his statements.