Thursday, September 18, 2008

Privacy Anyone

Isn't it amazing how true the books we read become as we grow older?  With Sarah Palin's emails hitting the net, is anything sacred anymore?  I mean, as Americans, do we have any privacy left?
I can't help but think of reading "1984" in high school and thinking how ludicrous the whole idea of a Big Brother watching everyone was in our society.  Maybe in other countries, but this would never happen here in America.
Here we are in 2008 and private emails with pictures and cell numbers are printed for the whole world to see.  Nothing is sacred anymore.  My only saving grace is that my emails are so boring, nobody would really care.  However, I better be careful because I might want to run for a political office one day and every part of my life will be exposed.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Mark Hall & his son from Casting Crowns.

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