Thursday, September 06, 2007

The Dragons are Coming!!

What started out as a normal school day completely changed when the bearded dragon eggs we have been incubating started to hatch. The mommy, Padme, laid 28 eggs of which about 4 never developed. So, we could have LOTS of beardies soon.

Here are pics of the first two. As I checked the eggs this morning, they had hatched and were running around. I can't wait until the others hatch.

In the one picture you can see their mom looking at them as if they would make a good lunch. My dc's wondered how any babies survive in the wild if the grown ups want to eat them.

If you would be interested in one, I am asking $50 plus shipping which must be one day. They will be ready when they are approximately 7 inches long, roughly 5 to 6 weeks old.

So, can I count this as science??

Friday, August 31, 2007

Home Education is up and Running Again

This is the latest we have ever started back but with all our friends in the neighborhood it has been hard to focus. All the dc's were more than ready to start back.

My oldest, C-man, has been getting up early to start. After I picked myself up from the fainting spell, I realized he really likes independent style learning. He really hates waiting on me to move forward. He is studying Omnibus I.

W-man and T-bird are liking independent reading even though we are having some adjustment issues. I am using Robinson Curriculum and really love it. After a few kinks are worked out, I think it will be a good fit for us.

My youngest, Princess, is progressing well if she could only wake up earlier. Oh well, it does give me time with the other guys.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Meet Obi-One-Kanobi

Our one little egg that hatched is the cutest thing ever!! His head is almost bigger than his whole body. He's a quick little booger, catching crickets like crazy.

You can see his parents, Boga and Padme below. Padme has already laid 28 more that are in the incubator I built. I think the others failed to hatch because of lack of air circulation which dried out the eggs. This time, I expect success.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


We recently went with our church on a family mission trip to the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Heart Butte, Montana. What a beautiful place and beautiful people. There were 42 of us all together including 18 children, 5 youth and 19 adults.

We spent the time picking up trash, painting, cleaning and teaching VBS. We left feeling our work had only just begun.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

New Additions!!

Princess Padme, our bearded dragon, had her first eggs last night. Altogether she laid 25 and then proceeded to bury them. After she was through, I put the eggs in Perlite and then into an incubator set at 84 degrees. Now, we have to wait about 60 to 70 days. The kids want them to hatch today.

Here are some pictures of Boga, the proud father. He is a German Giant and Orange Sunset cross.

Let me know if you would be interested as they should be old enough to sell by the end of July or first of August. They are extremely healthy since we have used the proper lighting, vitamins and feeding schedule for them.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Place for us All

Here are pictures of each dc's desk area. Each child has a desk space, which I have found works good to keep everyone on task and focused. Dusty is modeling for the picture too. I have two bookcases for books and teacher guides behind and beside my desk. Great things are happening in this room!!

Also, Mom gets the USA map behind her desk area and has the vantage point to keep an eye on the whole room!!

Spring Cleaning in our School Room

I've been working at decluttering all week. Here is our school room as clean as it will be in a while. We have a table in the center of the room where we work together on things like history, art, etc. Then, you can see my 4 ft table I have at a counter level so I can put my teacher's books on it and go over lessons on the white board. Of course, the white board is "tile board" made during a discussion on the WTM message board.
Our computer center is by my desk so I can keep an eye on internet activity. And, finally you see one of our many pets, Oreo. He is litter box trained and hops around the room as we study.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Going Birdie!!

At the Riverbanks Zoo in South Carolina, we got to feed the birds nectar. Obviously they were really hungry. The weather was a perfect 72 and we had a terrific time with our homeschool group.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

My New Look

Now that I have lost 50 pounds, I have a new look. Highlights and new nails are a few of my new changes. Also, I get to change my blog. Way too cool.

Join our Crew on this Great Adventure called the Christian Life!!

Share our lives through thoughts and pictures, tales and tails along the way. We are a home educating family using an Eclectic, Classical style based upon The Well-Trained Mind.